Former President Sirisena accused of Contempt of Court.

A Contempt of Court application has been filed before the Court of Appeal against former President Maithripala Sirisena for disregarding an order made by the Colombo District Court pertaining to the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Chairmanship.

SLFP activist Montague Sarathchandra filed this application after Maithripala Sirisena violated the interim injunction that was issued by the Colombo District Court on April 24th, 2024. The Colombo District Court had issued this injunction to prevent the former President from functioning as the chairman of the SLFP.

The legal battle surrounding Sirisena’s alleged contempt of court adds another layer of complexity to the ongoing political dynamics within the SLFP. This case highlights the tensions and power struggles within one of Sri Lanka’s major political parties, as well as the legal implications of disregarding court orders.

As the Court of Appeal reviews the Contempt of Court application, the outcome of this legal proceeding will have significant repercussions for Sirisena and the SLFP. Legal experts and political analysts are closely monitoring the case, anticipating how it may influence the future of the party and the former president’s political career.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story as the legal proceedings unfold and more information becomes available.